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Thursday, March 13, 2014

AP Predictor: Using Data to Drive Decisions

The AP Predictor report in Matrix is designed to identify students who are likely to do well in AP courses, so staff can be sure those students know about their AP course options. The predictive element is taken from research published by The College Board showing a strong correlation between PLAN scores and scores on specific AP tests. They provide a list of AP tests and their associated PLAN subscores and cut scores. For example, according to The College Board, students whose PLAN Math and Science scores average at least 26 have a 75% chance of scoring a 3 or better on the AP Microeconomics test.

Of course you could do this math by hand or in a spreadsheet, but your PLAN scores are already in Matrix, so why not let Matrix do the work for you? The AP Predictor report knows which PLAN subscores go with each AP test, and automatically calculates the relevant average when you select an AP test from the menu. You can filter by student name and minimum AP success category (e.g. only students with a 50% chance of scoring 3+ on the selected AP test), and sort by any of the scores.

Coming up with ways to display historical data that make it easier to absorb is a cornerstone of Matrix, but it's always exciting to build an interface that directly helps educators make decisions about the future.

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