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Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowfalls and New Years

We woke up to a winter wonderland here in Lawrence, Kan. today! Luckily, my pup loves the snow (and so does my car) - so I probably had an easier morning than most - stay safe out there!

As for the new year - this is going to be a special year for AllofE. With so many new friends, new projects and new products that arose over 2010, the whole team is energized and inspired to start this year out with a bang. Here are just a few of the things that are being introduced over the next few weeks -
  • The New Milford Holocaust Education Program website - a very inspiring project that has been a blast to work on (what a great district!) that shares an awesome message.
  • nuCloud Interactive Maps - we are working with the nuCloud team on the development of the second version of the nuCloud Interactive Campus Tour mapping platform - pretty sweet, right?
  • New University SMASHUPs - in the works!
  • edYOUcator lesson plan search engine - just what it sounds like - can't wait to share with you more of the details!
  • Matrix - a district assessment analysis tool
Whew - and that's only the beginning! What an awesome year to look forward to!

Happy new year to you and yours - & here's to this year being better than the last! Cheers!



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